Introducing the Great British Beer Party (GBBP)


Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to read this! As a new party I found it best that the first newsletter should be dedicated to introducing ourselves.

So, without delay, this is who we are and why we are here.

The Great British Beer Party is no ordinary political party:

  • It is not full of crooks looking to line their own pockets.
  • It is not bursting with cronies, more than willing to sell a pipe dream to the people of this great nation with no intention of fulfilling campaign promises. 

It is a party standing for serious, wide-ranging reform of this once-great nation by a young man disillusioned by the current state of this “democracy”.

My name is Hayden Smith, I write to whoever is reading this with regret that it has even come to this. Our beloved country and once-proud democracy has fallen so far, and I refuse to sit idly by. We live in de facto-2 party state, often voting for the candidate we believe to be the lesser of two evils, while told we should be proud of our democracy. 

The truth is that we do not have an ideal democracy: far too often do we vote out of fear for the opposing candidate instead of voting from genuine enthusiasm or for a party that shares our values. 

Does that sound like an ideal democracy?

We should not be proud of the current state of our democracy, nor should we be ashamed; it is not entirely the fault of the public, but a toxic result of decades of the political machine unravelling itself. Forces far beyond the control of the public have been chipping away at our country, breaking down every institution and system we had until it now resembles the burning dumpster fire we find ourselves in.

We find ourselves this year gearing up for an election between two uninspiring candidates and I believe the public deserves better. That is why I, along with the help of my team, am going to fight. With vigour and determination on your behalf to provide the change this country so desperately needs.

Thank you for reading and may we bring the change this country deserves, hand-in-hand, together.

- Hayden Smith, Brewmaster General

About us

The Great British Beer Party is a new political party dedicated to the interests of the people.

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